Coming from the A8 Munich-Ulm:
Exit Leinfelden-Echterdingen.
Turn right after the fist traffic light in direction of Möhringen-Vaihingen.
Turn left after the third traffic light in direction of the industrial area (Industriegebiet). Then go straight along until the next traffic light. Turn right here. Afterwards turn right the next possibility (Schockenriedstraße).
Coming from the A8 Heilbronn-Karlsruhe:
Take the exit Vaihingen and then go on the expressway in direction of town centre (Stadtmitte). Do not take the exit Vaihingen! Thereafter take the exit Vaihingen Industrial Area (Industriegebiet Unterer Grund) and go straight along through the tunnel.
Turn left after the second traffic light and turn right after the next traffic light. Turn left in the first roundabout and turn left again the first possibility into the Schockenriedstraße after the railroad crossing.